General Methods – An utility for Django Rest Framework, contains many utility functions that ease the development and improve the speed of development process.




Install or add general-methods.

pip install general-methods

Utils functions

Import utils.

from general_methods import utils

Get Headers

To get headers (Dictionary type) from request.

headers = utils.get_headers(request)

Get Client IP Address

To get client IP Address.

client_ip_address = utils.get_client_ip_address(request)

Generate Random Token

To generate random alpha-numeric string. Default string length is 20.

token = utils.generate_token()  // Default token length is 20 characters.
token = utils.generate_token(length=50)  // Token length is 50 characters.


To get UUID string.

uuid = utils.get_uuid()

Hash algorithms.

The available algorithms are : ‘sha256’, ‘sha384’, ‘sha224’, ‘sha512’, ‘sha1’, ‘md5’

hashed_string = utils.sha1('string_to_hash')
hashed_string = utils.sha224('string_to_hash')
hashed_string = utils.sha256('string_to_hash')
hashed_string = utils.sha384('string_to_hash')
hashed_string = utils.sha512('string_to_hash')
hashed_string = utils.md5('string_to_hash')

Encode String Data

To encode string data using django SECRET_KEY (available in file) as key to encode.

Note: If you changed the secret key of your django application then it won’t decode the string back. Use only in run time use-cases for example encode user id before sending it to client side so client will never get to know the actual user id.

encoded_data = utils.encode('MY_DATA_TO_ENCODE')

Decode String Data

To decode string data using django SECRET_KEY (available in file) as key to decode.

decoded_data = utils.decode('MY_DATA_TO_DECODE')

Is Valid JSON

To identify JSON data is valid or not. If valid, returns True else False.

is_valid_json = utils.is_valid_json({'key': 'value'})


To identify email is valid or not. If valid, returns True else False.

is_valid_email = utils.is_valid_email('')

Response functions

Note: Returns application/json response.

Import response.

from general_methods import response

Success Response 200

Returns dictionary { status: boolean, message: str, result: any }

Response code: 200

Function: response.success(‘Any Type of Data’)

class MyView(APIView):
    def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        return response.success('Any Type of Data')  // returning response to client.

Bad Request 400

Returns dictionary { status: boolean, message: str, result: any }

Response code: 400

Function: response.bad_request(‘Username is required.’)

class MyView(APIView):
    def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        return response.bad_request('Username is required.')  // returning response to client.

Server Error 500

Returns dictionary { status: boolean, message: str, result: any }

Response code: 500

Function: response.server_error(‘Optional Message’)

class MyView(APIView):
    def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        return response.server_error()  // returning response to client.

No Data Found 200

Returns dictionary { status: boolean, message: str, result: any }

Response code: 200

Function: response.no_data_found()

class MyView(APIView):
    def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        return response.no_data_found()  // returning response to client.

Parameter Missing 400

Returns dictionary { status: boolean, message: str, result: any }

Response code: 400

Function: response.param_missing(key, message)

class MyView(APIView):
    def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        return response.param_missing('username', 'This field is required.')  // returning response to client.

Unauthorized 401

Returns dictionary { status: boolean, message: str, result: any }

Response code: 401

Function: response.unauthorized()

class MyView(APIView):
    def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        return response.unauthorized()  // returning response to client.

Forbidden 403

Returns dictionary { status: boolean, message: str, result: any }

Response code: 403

Function: response.forbidden()

class MyView(APIView):
    def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        return response.forbidden()  // returning response to client.

Method Not Allowed 405

Returns dictionary { status: boolean, message: str, result: any }

Response code: 405

Function: response.method_not_allowed()

class MyView(APIView):
    def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        return response.method_not_allowed()  // returning response to client.

Not Acceptable 406

Returns dictionary { status: boolean, message: str, result: any }

Response code: 406

Function: response.not_acceptable()

class MyView(APIView):
    def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        return response.not_acceptable()  // returning response to client

Custom Error

Returns dictionary { status: boolean, message: str, result: any }

Response code: User Specified

Function: response.custom_error(status_code: int, result)

class MyView(APIView):
    def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        return response.custom_error(status_code=200, result='Login Successful.')  // returning response to client.

Exception functions

Note: Returns application/json response. Can be used in API exceptions. for example in API authorization or permission classes.

Import exceptions.

from general_methods import exceptions

Server Exception 500

Returns dictionary { status: boolean, message: str, result: any }

Response code: 500

raise exceptions.ServerException()

Unauthorized Exception 401

Returns dictionary { status: boolean, message: str, result: any }

Response code: 401

raise exceptions.UnauthorizedException()

Session Expired Exception 401

Returns dictionary { status: boolean, message: str, result: any }

Response code: 401

raise exceptions.SessionExpiredException()

Missing Header Exception 400

Returns dictionary { status: boolean, message: str, result: any }

Response code: 400

raise exceptions.MissingHeaderException()

Blocked Client Exception 401

Returns dictionary { status: boolean, message: str, result: any }

Response code: 401

raise exceptions.BlockedClientException()

Authentication Failed Exception 401

Returns dictionary { status: boolean, message: str, result: any }

Response code: 401

raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailedException()

Validators functions

Can be used in defining Models.

Import validators.

from general_methods import validators

Email Validator

Function: email_validator

class MyModel(models.Model):
    email = models.CharField(max_length=100, validators=[validators.email_validator])

Mobile Number Validator (10 Length)

Function: mobile_number_validator

class MyModel(models.Model):
    mobile = models.CharField(max_length=15, validators=[validators.mobile_number_validator])

Country Code Validator (Example: +91, +1 etc.)

Function: country_code_validator

class MyModel(models.Model):
    mobile = models.CharField(max_length=15, validators=[validators.country_code_validator])

String with Space Validator [ a-zA-Z]

Function: string_with_space_validator

class MyModel(models.Model):
    mobile = models.CharField(max_length=15, validators=[validators.string_with_space_validator])

Country Codes

All country codes are available.

Array of Objects like:

{ ‘country_code’: “IN”, ‘calling_code’: “+91”, ‘name’: ‘India (+91)’ }

Import country_codes.

from general_methods import country_codes

Dealing with forms in Django? Check the documentaion for Django Form Rendering with Crispy Forms.

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